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Our providers are available to screen your child for ADD/ADHD. First, schedule an appointment where we will talk about your child’s symptoms, academic struggles, lifestyle, learning habits, nutrition and sleep hygiene. Next, you will be given Vanderbilt screening tools which parents and teachers will complete. Upon review, your physician will discuss the results with you and your child. Remember, treating your child is always a team approach. Medication is not always prescribed depending on the treatment plan decided upon collectively. We listen to parents and welcome all input. Complete Care for Kids strives to treat all health conditions holistically and with an integrative approach. This means that food, supplements, exercise, sleep, counseling, tutoring, executive functioning skills, parenting skills, and understanding ADD/ADHD are all detailed in each visit. You will be offered a consultation with our Functional Nutritionist as well!
You and your child will be an integral part of all decision making and treatment options.
Optional Genomind testing is used as genetic guidance for smarter prescribing decisions if medication options are used for treatment.
For more information schedule a consultation today.
Executive Function coaches
Marci Skigen at Enhance EFS
P: 847-903-5600
Stephanie Gerstenblith
Founder & Owner of Enhancing Your Strengths
P: 202-487-7386
Elyse Dworin at ELS
P: (301) 466-5123
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